
Specialized Testing

Specialized Testing

Specialized Testing services offered in Tyler, TX

Specialized testing takes a deep dive into your overall health and well-being, so you can learn more about what you need to thrive. At Integrative Health Matters, the medical team offers a variety of specialized testing services, including comprehensive wellness panels, nutritional testing, and hormone evaluations to identify underlying illnesses, as well as your risk factors for certain chronic diseases. Call the office in Tyler, Texas, to schedule a consultation for specialized testing.

Specialized Testing Q & A

What is specialized testing?

Specialized testing includes diagnostic evaluations that take a deeper look at your overall health to learn more about your essential health needs.

The specialized testing services available at Integrative Health Matters also assess your risk factors for chronic illnesses, like Alzheimer’s disease, autoimmune disease, and gastrointestinal diseases.

The results of your tests give you insight into what you need to do to optimize your health and lower your risk of developing a chronic disease.

The team offers a comprehensive wellness panel as part of their specialized testing services. A wellness panel takes a comprehensive look at your body’s overall function. This test looks at your body’s overall function, including:

  • Insulin sensitivity
  • Liver function
  • Immune function
  • Kidney function
  • Iron levels
  • Thyroid function
  • Gluten sensitivity

This panel can also identify persistent inflammation throughout your body.


What other specialized testing services are available?

To provide more detailed information about your health profile, Integrative Health Matters offers a wide range of specialized testing services, including:


NutrEval FMV® test

The NutrEval test takes a comprehensive look at any nutritional imbalances and inadequacies you have. This test helps the team determine what vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients you need to rebalance your nutritional health.



GI Map is a stool test that measures your gut bacteria (microbiome) for health, diversity, and pathogens that can influence your health. The test also complements the NutrEval test to measure your overall digestive function.


CV Health

CV Health is a test that goes beyond measuring standard cholesterol levels to truly assess your risk for cardiac events and disease. This test can also determine how your diet is working for your body.


Hormone health panel

A hormone health panel measures levels of a variety of your hormones to identify hormone imbalances that affect your health.

Other specialized testing services available include:

  • Toxin profile
  • IgG food sensitivity profiles
  • Essential Estrogens® test
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) breath test
  • 4-point salivary cortisol
  • Neurotransmitter profile
  • Heavy metal blood panel and mercury tri-test
  • Immune and mold panel

They also offer genetic testing services to identify potential genetic risk factors you have for certain chronic diseases.


When should I consider specialized testing?

The Integrative Health Matters team may recommend specialized testing as part of your diagnosis for unexplained symptoms.

You might also consider specialized testing to understand your health better and improve your overall function.

To find out if you’re a candidate for specialized testing, call Integrative Health Matters or book an appointment online today.

Testing We Provide

Functional Medicine
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
IV Nutrient Therapy
Hyperbaric Therapy
Elite Physical
Specialized Testing
Ketamine Infusion Therapy