
Health Coaching

Health Coaching

Health Coaching services offered in Tyler, TX

Health coaching provides the additional support and guidance you need to improve your overall health and well-being. Integrative Health Matters offers personalized health coaching services that empower you to set reasonable health goals and develop the strategies you need to achieve them. If you’re not sure how to start your health improvement journey, schedule a health coaching consultation at the office in Tyler, Texas, by calling the clinic.

Health Coaching Q & A

What is health coaching?

Health coaching is a service that helps you identify obstacles that interfere with your health, so you can develop strategies to overcome them.

Your health coach at Integrative Health Matters explores, guides, and mentors you much like a personal trainer would.

The coaching team takes a whole-person approach to your care. They address not only your physical health but also your emotional and mental health too.

How does health coaching work?

The health coaches at Integrative Health Matters work with individuals and groups in a client-centered process and directly under medical providers. They empower clients to create and achieve their health and wellness goals and offer supportive resources along the way.

The coaches work with you to identify your internal strengths and the external resources you need to make sustainable, healthy lifestyle and behavioral changes.

The coaching team doesn't give you a diagnosis or prescribe treatments. However, they  provide you with expert guidance and support to help reach your health goals.

Am I a candidate for health coaching?

If you’re looking for ways to improve your overall health and wellness but aren’t sure where to start, you may be a candidate for the health coaching services available at Integrative Health Matters.

What happens during a health coaching session?

During your initial health coaching consultation, the Integrative Health Matters team spends about 60 minutes with you. Their goal is to learn as much as they can about your personal and family health history, your current health, and your lifestyle.

The team helps you identify reasonable health and wellness goals that you want to achieve. They also work with you to develop strategies you can use to achieve your goals and support your long-term wellness.

At your follow-up coaching appointments, you can expect to spend 30-45 minutes talking about the steps you’re taking to improve your health. The coaches use their insight and personal strengths to personalize a plan of action with accountability that keeps you on track to maximize your health.

As you reach your goals, the coaching team helps you set new ones and provides guidance for strategies that support you in achieving them.

To learn more about the benefits of health coaching, call Integrative Health Matters to schedule an appointment.

Functional Medicine
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
IV Nutrient Therapy
Hyperbaric Therapy
Elite Physical
Specialized Testing
Ketamine Infusion Therapy