
Holistic Primary Care

Holistic image

Holistic Primary Care services offered in Tyler, TX

We are happy to offer Holistic Primary Care Services for local patients who are committed to a holistic approach to care. 

In addition to working as functional/integrative medicine specialists, we offer primary care to local patients who are committed to a holistic approach to care.

*Patients who need complex medication management may be asked to retain their current primary care provider and utilize the IHM team as an adjunct to their care. IHM providers do not prescribe controlled medications.*

Holistic primary care is a whole-body approach to healthcare and takes into consideration more than just the medical diagnosis. In this model, the patient plays a key role in their care. Providers take the time to discover and understand the patients social, mental and spiritual life in addition to the biologic information from exams and laboratory testing when creating a treatment plan.

How does this look in real life?

If a patient comes to IHM because they are suffering from chronic headaches, instead of walking out solely with a pharmaceutical prescription, the provider will also take a look at the other potential factors that may be causing the headaches such as stress, sleep hygiene, mental/emotional disturbances. The treatment plan may involve pharmaceuticals, but also lifestyle modifications, diet recommendations, and in-depth testing to determine the root-cause and to improve the patient’s overall quality of life.

If you are interested in receiving holistic primary care at Integrative Health Matters, please schedule a 15-minute informational call below to learn more.

Functional Medicine
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
IV Nutrient Therapy
Hyperbaric Therapy
Elite Physical
Specialized Testing
Ketamine Infusion Therapy