Anxiousness day in and day out can cause some major turmoil in the body.
Restlessness, muscle tension, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, and even digestive issues can all share a similar trigger. If you are struggling with anxiety, it can feel impossible to shake and tiresome to carry the burden of anxiousness on a daily basis.
1 in 5 American adults struggle with an anxiety disorder, and only about a third of that group receive treatment. Beyond these stats, there are many who feel anxiousness on a daily basis, but have not been formally diagnosed or do not meet criteria for a diagnosis.
Anxious moods while distressing, can give us insight into areas of the body that may need support. At IHM, we carefully evaluate mood symptoms in respect to the function of the rest of the body to support the whole person. If you are walking around in an anxious cloud, schedule an appointment for support!
With anxiety at play, we may investigate your:
Once we can put the pieces together, we can offer you tools around optimizing your diet and lifestyle, and providing targeted nutritional, supplemental, and natural options for healing.